Restoration of the Buick 455 V8 engine and engine compartment.
November 2001 - Lifting the engine
Finally, my Riviera got a new home. I had the opportunity to rent a space in my new friend Zoran’s garage nearby. This made a huge difference for the restoration process.

As you can see there is a lot more space here and also better light and the place is heated.
I could now work during the winter and get a lot done before the summer, when I like to drive my Riviera.
Zoran also helped me with his extensive knowledge and tools. He owns his own business and he has restored a lot of US cars during the years, both customers’ and his own.
Please visit for more info.

The engine is now lifted out of the car.

The engine compartment will be cleaned and detailed, before the engine returns to its original place.
The TH400 automatic transmission was working fine, so nothing except oil and filter change was necessary.

After a thorough inspection there was no reason to take the engine apart further.
Of course the timing chain and sprockets along with some gaskets got replaced with new ones. I also installed a high volume kit on the oil pump, due to a slightly low oil pressure.
The radiator also got replaced along with a new generator, fly wheel, starter motor and some other parts.
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The restoration began in February of 2000
Most parts of the car were restored by July 2006, but as many of you know, there is always something to improve on a project like this.
In this section of the site you will be able to follow some of the various restoration steps of my Boattail.
2000-02 The carburetor
2000-05 The floor
2000-07 Vinyl roof & interior
2001-01 Heads and intake
2001-11 Lifting the engine
2002-01 Engine detailing
2005-01 Body restoration