2006-08-13 Bilsport Classic Grensetreff in Halden Norway with my Riviera.
Fredriksten fortress is located on a hill above the city of Halden in Norway.
Halden is a couple of hours drive from Gothenburg, just across the Norwegian border. Here the annual classic car meet Grensetreff is held. "Grensetreff" means "Border Meet" in Norwegian. This was the second event I participated in, after the body restoration was completed.

My Weimaraner dog Stella came along this time.

Frerdiksten Fortress

The first defensive installations in Halden were constructed in 1643-45. On 28 July 1660 King Fredrik the 3rd of Denmark issued a royal declaration ordering that a stronger fortress be built here near the new border to Sweden, and that it be named Fredriksten fortress.